Installing Fire Protection Systems

Fire protection at a commercial or industrial facility consists of much more than a few sprinkler heads. A network of engineered systems must all function together to be effective. Unlike most engineered systems, however, installed fire protection systems cannot be tested
under actual conditions. That makes it essential that the specification, design, installation and testing of fire protection systems closely follow accepted industry fire protection standards. The full-text article details several steps that will help ensure that a fire protection system is properly installed for years of effective, reliable and trouble-free service. These steps are outlined below to help you get the best system available for a reasonable cost — and avoid the most common mistakes.

Network Systems

A Network of Systems Chances are that one or more new fire protection systems will be installed in a new or existing
commercial or industrial facility as a result of an insurance company recommendation, a
requirement of the local fire authority, or a corporate standard.


In order for fire protection systems to perform as intended it is important to understand that fire protection at a facility consists not of just a few sprinkler heads, but of a network of engineered systems that must all function in synchrony to get the intended effect. Unlike most other engineered systems, however, installed fire protection systems cannot be tested under actual conditions to judge whether or not they “work.”

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